Jules Boiteux

Jules Boiteux

Product management • Early Stage start-up strategy • Pricing strategy & Billing • API integration • Developer experience • Partnership strategy

Hi, I'm Jules 👋

I am a Product Manager with 6+ years of experience including BtoB SaaS, customer data platforms, and Fintech businesses. Regardless of the sector, I have a special interest in two main topics I’ve worked on in the past years:

  • Pricing and billing: I can support a company in analyzing their current pricing offering, developing a new pricing strategy, implementing a new pricing on the product (especially if usage-based), and adapting the billing system accordingly (with tools like Chargebee, Stripe billing or Lago). See the article I wrote here on the implementation of a new usage-based pricing for Livestorm.
  • Product integrations and developer experience: I can support a company in developing an integration strategy which includes releasing/improving a public API, developing partnerships with third-party editors, and supporting third parties (or the company) in developing native integrations on top of the public API.

More about me

My resume

Check out some of the content I have written and would like to share

📆 Book a first call with me

If you have a project in mind where you need my help and expertise, please feel free to reach out to me using the following contacts details. I’ll be happy to get to know more about your company’s needs and objectives

Contact details: